美 [ˈwɪn(d)ˌfɔl]
英 [ˈwɪn(d)ˌfɔːl] 
- n.意外之财;意外获得的东西;风吹落的果子(尤指苹果)
- 网络横财;外快;意外的收获
复数:windfalls 同义词
1. | 意外之财;意外获得的东西an amount of money that sb/sth wins or receives unexpectedly |
| The hospital got a sudden windfall of £300 000. 这家医院获得了一笔 30 万英镑的意外款项。 |
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| The government imposed a windfall tax(= a tax on profits to be paid once only, not every year) on some industries. 政府对某些行业征收暴利税。 |
2. | 风吹落的果子(尤指苹果)a fruit, especially an apple, that the wind has blown down from a tree |
na. | 2. 被风吹落的果实;被风吹折的树(枝);(森林中的)树木倒折地区 |
George Osborne, shadow chancellor, is refusing to rule out his own windfall tax and demanding that banks forgo their tax losses.
Convenience store chains, wary of anti-smoking sentiment, have been reluctant to refer publicly to the windfall nature of their sales boost.
It might have led to a windfall financial gain, but, at the very least, it was an opportunity to make video games.
It would have been neither feasible nor wise for oil-rich nations to spend this windfall at home, so much of it was saved and sent abroad.
It's less risky to invest your windfall in someone with a proven business record, or put the money in the bank.
"In principle there was a political consensus during the campaign to charge a windfall profits tax on miners, " he said.
But it's easy to see the potential windfall Facebook stands to make.
To have one of their countrymen who can play, and is young and can be here a long time, I don't know how that's not a windfall for us.
The purchase landed it a windfall profit and a leading position in fixed-income trading on both sides of the Atlantic.
He told me that he often illusions themselves from an early age to encounter such a windfall uncle, however, has not encountered before.
It was a pretty good one, made of windfall limbs peeled smooth with a draw knife and thatched with pine straw.
With that windfall, Baekeland, with his wife and two children moved to Yonkers.
That has helped make it a windfall for all involved.
Coud Doyle ever have imagined when he started out in the fertilizer business 36 years ago that he would end up with a $500 million windfall?
The run up in business school applications during the recession has created a windfall for essay writers.
Have both models with the injured workers have been violated and whether or not to receive windfall profits because of it?
It has been argued that the main benefit would be the billions of dollars that would be the immediate windfall from any sale.
Are oil companies, I ask, more morally culpable than other industries that would not be subject to Obama's proposed [windfall profits] tax?
You never know, it may increase the number of 'good' buyers and result in an unexpected windfall.
adaptation " comes from a 1970s study of lottery winners, who a year after their windfall ended up no happier than nonwinners. "
But exporting farmers received a windfall from devaluation, augmented when world prices for farm commodities promptly began to rise.
Finally, in terms of corporate earnings it is the developed nations that still yield the greatest windfall to US multinationals.
Now you're asking yourself if all this came about just because Andy told Byron Hadley how to save the taxes on his windfall inheritance.
As the cofounder, part-owner, and chief scientific officer of Ambergene, Cano stood to earn a hefty chunk of any windfall that might result.
Meanwhile, fossil fuel corporations will be hit with a windfall tax that will be used to "deal with the effects of climate change. "
Wearing a deep edge with the law as Samantabhadra Bodhisattva. the Buddha Hu You. evil away from disaster. longevity and a windfall.
Interviewed in St Petersburg, Dr Perelman insisted that he was unworthy of all the attention, and was uninterested in his windfall.
He wishes a windfall might come his way.
Personal financial advisors that the windfall should be used to save for retirement, investment projects.
If the snow arrival is a windfall word, that New Year's day is one of our budget sodality for pleasure.
So the market price of online storage, at least for email, has now fallen to zero (see "Webmail Windfall" ).
We do not encourage originality by conferring windfall gains on the Disney Corporation, EMI, Citigroup, and the Picasso estate.
Gold miners have much to be pleased about, with the soaring price of gold since GLD was created in 2004 giving them windfall profits.
Green wrote. 'Maybe you can find your dream job, or a way out of a career sinkhole, or a financial windfall.
In 2005 I paid less than $10 per million and yet I did nothing to deserve or help pay for the windfall.
This suggests that many voters believe they have a right to any windfall earned by their parents' bricks and mortar, whatever Mill said.
Since the producers tend to save a large part of their windfall, the effect is to restrict global demand.
Chile will then be able to maintain its social programmes by spending what it has saved from its copper windfall.
There are two additional conditions that must be added to these new mortgages, to make them less of a windfall for borrowers.
In particular, the departure of Mr. Kudrin is seen as a blow to Russia's ability to hold on to some of its oil and gas windfall.