美 [ɑv] 英 [ɒv]
1. | 属于(某人);关于(某人)belonging to sb; relating to sb |
a friend of mine 我的一个朋友 | |
the love of a mother for her child 母亲对孩子的爱 | |
the role of the teacher 教师的角色 | |
Can't you throw out that old bike of Tommy's? 难道你就不能把汤米那辆旧自行车给扔掉? | |
the paintings of Monet 莫奈的画作 |
2. | 属于(某物);(某事)部分的;关于(某物)belonging to sth; being part of sth; relating to sth |
the lid of the box 盒子盖 | |
the director of the company 公司的董事 | |
a member of the team 一名队员 | |
the result of the debate 辩论的结果 |
3. | 出身于(某背景);住在(某地)coming from a particular background or living in a place |
a woman of Italian descent 意大利裔女子 | |
the people of Wales 威尔士人民 |
4. | 关于,反映(某人或某事)concerning or showing sb/sth |
a story of passion 爱情故事 | |
a photo of my dog 我那只狗的照片 | |
a map of India 印度地图 |
5. | (用于表示性质、组成或涵盖)即,由…组成used to say what sb/sth is, consists of, or contains |
the city of Dublin 都柏林市 | |
the issue of housing 住房问题 | |
a crowd of people 一群人 | |
a glass of milk 一杯牛奶 |
6. | (用于表示计量、时间或年龄等)used with measurements and expressions of time, age, etc. |
2 kilos of potatoes 两公斤马铃薯 | |
an increase of 2% 2% 的增长 | |
a girl of 12 12 岁的女孩 | |
the fourth of July 七月四日 | |
the year of his birth 他出生的那一年 | |
We would often have a walk of an evening. 我们过去常在晚上散步。 |
7. | (常用在 some、a few 等词语之后,表示人或物的所属)属于…的used to show sb/sth belongs to a group, often aftersome ,a few , etc. |
some of his friends 他的几位朋友 | |
a few of the problems 其中的几个问题 | |
the most famous of all the stars 最知名的一位明星 |
8. | (表示人或事的时空位置)在,当used to show the position of sth/sb in space or time |
just north of Detroit 就在底特律以北 | |
at the time of the revolution 在革命的年代 | |
at a quarter of eleven tonight(= 10.45 p.m.) 在今晚十一点差一刻 |
9. | (用于由动词转化的名词之后,of 之后的名词可以是受动者,也可以是施动者)used after nouns formed from verbs. The noun after ‘of’ can be either the object or the subject of the action. |
the arrival of the police(= they arrive) 警察的到来 | |
criticism of the police(= they are criticized) 对警察的批评 | |
fear of the dark 对黑暗的惧怕 | |
the howling of the wind 狂风的呼啸 |
10. | (用于某些动词后,后接动作所涉及的人或事)used after some verbs before mentioning sb/sth involved in the action |
to deprive sb of sth 剥夺某人的东西 | |
He was cleared of all blame. 他所受的一切责难都澄清了。 | |
Think of a number, any number. 想一个数字,随便一个。 |
11. | (用于某些形容词后,后接与感情相关的人或事)因为,由于used after some adjectives before mentioning sb/sth that a feeling relates to |
to be proud of sth 为某事自豪 |
12. | (用于对某人的行为发表看法)used to give your opinion of sb's behaviour |
It was kind of you to offer. 感谢你的好意。 |
13. | (用于一个名词修饰另一个名词时)used when one noun describes a second one |
Where's that idiot of a boy(= the boy that you think is stupid) ? 那个傻小子在哪儿? |
prep. | 1. ...的,从,向;因...,害... 2. ...的,有...的 3. ...的,属于...的 4. ...之中的,在...中 5. ...的,...数量的 6. 关于...,对...如何,在...方面怎样 7. ...这个 8. ...的,距离... 9. ...做的,用...制的 10. 动受关系 11. 著作或行为的主体 12. 构成时间状语 13. 〈美口〉...点差几分 |
abbr. | 1. (=Old French)古法语 |
prep. | 2. 3. 7. 8. 19. |
abbr. |