美 [self]
英 [self] 
- n.自我;本人;本来面目;个性
- adj.纯净的;一样的;单一的;(颜色等)同一的
- v.使近亲繁殖;使同种繁殖;【植】使自花受精;【植】自花受精
- 网络自己;自身;自性
复数:selves 同义词
1. | [c][ususing] (自己的)通常的行为方式,本来面目,惯常心态the type of person you are, especially the way you normally behave, look or feel |
| You'll soon be feeling your old self again(= feeling well or happy again) . 你很快就会恢复原样的。 |
| He's not his usual happy self this morning. 今天早上,他不像平素那样乐呵呵的。 |
| Only with a few people could she be her real self(= show what she was really like rather than what she pretended to be) . 只有和某几个人在一起时,她才能表现出真实的自我。 |
| his private/professional self(= how he behaves at home/work) 他在家里╱上班时的样子 |
2. | [u] 个性;自我a person's personality or character that makes them different from other people |
| Many people living in institutions have lost their sense of self(= the feeling that they are individual people) . 许多生活在福利院里的人已经失去了个性意识。 |
| the inner self(= a person's emotional and spiritual character) 内心的思想感情 |
| a lack of confidence in the self 缺乏自信 |
3. | [u] 个人利益;一己的享乐;私心your own advantage or pleasure rather than that of other people |
| She didn't do it for any reason of self. 她那样做绝不是出于私心。 |
4. | [c] (指一个人)自己,本人used to refer to a person |
| You didn't hurt your little self, did you? 小家伙,你没伤着自己吧? |
| We look forward to seeing Mrs Brown and your good self this evening. 我们期盼今晚能见到布朗夫人和您本人。 |
n. | |
adj. | 1. 纯净的;一样的;单一的;(颜色等)同一的;(弓等)用一根木头做的;同样材料的 |
v. | |
The recognition of the truth about the self simply means that you must first find out what you think about yourself subconsciously.
By quoting from a well-known art critic, he tried to add a bit of self-confidence to hellos talents.
Next, think about what kind of self-image a woman needs for you to achieve your desired outcome.
But the will is of self, else ye would not indeed be the child of the Creative and Living Force or God that ye are; but as an automaton.
Counting every calorie I consume so I know ecactly how much self-loathing to take into the shower.
Their word for a female scholars shaping the self-image, show women of that era rich inner world of the spirit and a profound depression.
My lower self had me believe that it was just a far out wish; much similar to my one of being a rock star.
This morning, the sun seems to be more of the naughty, kind, and more able to let me feel self.
Self employment can yield the middle class lifestyle but often requires years of working 60 or more hours a week to do so.
Whether or not you are bothered by side effects of treatment, it may be challenging to maintain a positive outlook and sense of self-esteem.
We have to understand that this is less about a refusal of the other than a refusal of the self.
Vincent van Gogh's fame may owe as much to a legendary act of self-harm, as it does to his self-portraits.
The children who have been encouraged by their parents to take a part-time job will have more self-confidence.
But when one christens one's self, suddenly the fine names do not seem to suggest themselves.
Three self-designed electro-catalytic reactors were been used for adjusting the hydraulic retention time.
The mind is one of the four lower bodies and must come under your dominion in order for you to master self.
Susan married a man who appeared to be unemotional and self-possessed but who turned out to have a soft centre.
Xia Renfan found a self-employed child buddies to this buddy, child registered in the name of the "seedlings century company. "
It will not be easy for you to leave the life of a mistress but think about self.
Such student-directed instruction is often called "self-instruction " even though it is in fact guided by whoever designed the media.
He is not his usual self today.
So often the sustained self-command and absolute composure of the stranger destroyed the idea which began to arise in her imagination.
Self-dialing has somewhat reduced the number of calls the operators handle, but it has by no means eliminated them completely.
He stood erect and firm, with self-respect in his attitude, and a look of determination on his face.
But while you are crowing over your imaginary success, see if it does not return with seven devils worse than its former self.
One obtain a description of the vibrational modes in terms of self-consistent oscillations of the nuclear density and potential.
I am poor, and it behaves me to look to my self-respect-not to compromise an inch of it.
The absence of presumptuous self-conceit in Tito made him feel all the more defenceless under prospective obloquy.
There are few concepts as deeply embedded in the Western mind as the concept of "self" .
In order to develop practical and useful strategies, a business or other organization should engage in a thorough self-appraisal.
With upward decreasing grain size the deflection of the self-potential curve also decreases to form a bell-shape.
In that mixture of incongruities that makes up the self yellow may very well be a horse and cart and gratitude the middle of next week.
It was also a giant boos to my self-esteem, self-confident, and self-relience.
The shift of the power balance in the Atlantic was suddenly self-evident and frightful.
Americans love-and many are themselves living examples of-the "self-made man. "
The parties involved should exercise (self-) restraint and prevent the situation from getting worse.
Pap wasn't in a good humor-so he was his natural self.
Many people working for several years have lost their sense of self.
He had developed a kind of self-reliance and smoothness of address such as one would scarcely have credited him with three years before.
You used them only for self-advancement.
It is important to keep the bridge voltage low in order to avoid a self-heating of the measuring element by the bridge current.
What happened was that the people in the lower orders got looked down on, which weakened their self-esteem.
Confidence: In about the children to be generous, and show yourself, build up to his self-confidence.
Excellent leadership and management skill, sense of accountability, self motivated and able to work under pressure.
Instead of giving 100% of your self to a man, give him 50% and save the rest to dole out a little at a time. Always save 10% for yourself.
He said the challenge is for the centre to become a stable, self-sustaining not-for-profit organisation.
Witnessing the girl yell abuse at the boy for ten solid minutes, I felt amazed at how much self-control the boy had.
A man who may once have been a self-employed craftsman, master of his own trade, might now have a boring job in a factory.
If nothing else, Kim should ratchet down the rhetoric out of his own family's self-interest.
"What seems to be the matter? " inquired Lincoln, with all the calmness and self-possession he could muster.
The international condemnation of the Italian premier's behaviour has at least brought the early beginnings of national self-examination.
It helped me to see myself differently, increase my self-confidence, lose my desire to drink or smoke and just feel at one with the world.
Is not the very nature of the self one of conflict and pain?
After a few more verification runs, and a bit of self shame, I realized it indeed was my problem and got out the debugger.
'It had become almost a seminar for me, a self-imposed program on how to run an organization, ' he says.
On this point, one of your self-proclaimed supporters (email attached) actually puts the amount of your article that matches mine at 60%.
Children are raised to be independent and cautious, with a strong sense of self-esteem.
When she was a child, her parents taught her to be prepared for making self-sacrifice for the benefit of the motherland.
The best I think we can hope for is self-awareness and growth, not the instant transformation of every man into a superhero overnight.
If man of practice is asked to be of modesty, of no-self and of no ego, how do we show solemn and awful appearance?
It's the best way for her to be self-motivated.