美 [ˈkɔrtˌʃɪp]
英 [ˈkɔː(r)tʃɪp] 
- n.求爱;求爱期;追求;(动物的)求偶
- 网络求婚;求爱时期;奉承
复数:courtships 同义词
1. | [c][u] 求爱期;求爱;追求the time when two people have a romantic relationship before they get married; the process of developing this relationship |
| They married after a short courtship. 他们恋爱不久便结婚了。 |
| Mr Elton's courtship of Harriet 埃尔顿先生对哈丽雅特的追求 |
2. | [u] (动物的)求偶the special way animals behave in order to attract a mate for producing young animals |
| courtship displays 求偶的炫耀行为 |
3. | ~ (of sb/sth) 招商the process or act of attracting a business partner, etc. |
| the company's courtship by the government 政府向公司献殷勤 |
na. | 1. (男向女)求爱,求婚;求爱期间;【动】求偶(现象) |
I do not know your North, what name is called to this song of courtship. Here we call it troat!
At courtship time, he waves it to attract females, often with a beckoning movement, or to fight rival males.
As if reading from the pages of a courtship manual, Maxim asked if she would care for a drink of any kind.
"Papa, " she said, wiping some salad oil from her mouth. "You shouldn't have broken our courtship. "
He made a courtship ceremony of it, inviting her beforehand so she could get used to the idea.
In Germany, should not be arbitrarily give as gifts to the Rose or Rose, the former said the courtship, the latter dedicated to Mourn.
As the heir to the British throne, Prince Charles was usually the subject of media attention and his courtship of Diana was no exception.
The way Wall Street reached out to these funds and how they responded suggests there is nothing sinister about this two-way courtship.
The report found early courtship usually brings with it a strict diet regime resulting in the loss of around 5lb.
More than any other time during my 19 years of writing this column, the workplace has become a place for courtship.
Divas of the avian world, elaborately feathered birds of paradise, like this ribbon-tailed species, practice elaborate courtship rituals.
Working at the museum greenhouse recently, I saw a pair of birdwing butterflies engaged in a courtship dance.
The story of Doctor Reefy and his courtship of the tall dark girl who became his wife and left her money to him is a very curious story.
Usually Valentine's Day comes and goes with just a day or two of news media attention to courtship and marriage.
The males of many bird-of-paradise species have evolved colorful plumage, used for dramatic courtship displays.
Meeting a child who may become your stepson is not like any other stage in a courtship.
After a courtship of about two years, Queen Elizabeth's second son married Sarah, known as "Fergie, " at Westminster Abbey.
With the average courtship before a marriage lasting about two and a half years, dating is an increasingly expensive venture.
Carlos engage to annex and purchase , when hade a date he courtship for her in three times date.
Sharing meals has always been an important courtship ritual and a metaphor for love.
America's recent courtship of India and the favours it has bestowed on it have renewed Pakistanis' sense of betrayal.
A: So your husband wants you to re-woo him, to revisit those heady days of courtship?
The most obvious choice is a performance during courtship, and it's hard to go wrong with Byron's "She walks in beauty, like the night. "
All her works deal with love and courtship, but she is much more adept at reaching a wide audience than other romantic novelists.
What you said about his failure in love courtship cut him to the quick.
One day, he went to see his lover's daughter Ophelia Prime Minister, he would like courtship want revenge, acts weird.
"Meander and milk the moment for meaning, " he cautions himself at one point, mid-courtship, when he fears things are moving too fast.
After a rocky courtship he marries a woman he grows to hold in contempt, though he is too polite to let it show. St.
I also collect information on animal courtship, and my knowledge is extensive enough to make David Attenborough blush.
If she was a prudent girl, she had to find some way to encourage his courtship .
She lures males with her pheromones, and when one approaches, theprospective mate engages in a courtship dance.
It were Charles Darwin who first suggested dance were part of courtship rituals, event confirmed in nightclubs eVery abundance weekend.
We had been through it together, the Army and I, from the first importunate courtship until now.
They say he loved adventure, Ricky's the wild one. He married trouble and had a courtship with a gun.
Gwen says Fred wrote poems to her during their courtship , a gesture that may have won her heart.
Blindman's bluff being courtship, and the rhythmic rocking of the seesaw would clearly be a metaphor for the act of lovemaking itself.
Dr Neave's aim was to establish whether young men exhibited the same courtship movement rituals in night clubs as animals do in the wild.
Once matchmaking starts, they may be expected to choose a life partner after only a brief courtship.
After the courtship period, the couple forms a strong bond until the egg is laid in May or early June.
In a traditional courtship dance, women wave colorful dresses back and forth to the rhythm of mariachi music.