美 [trʌmp]
英 [trʌmp] 
- v.胜过;出王牌赢(牌);出王牌压掉(他人的牌);打败
- n.将牌;主牌花色
- 网络特朗普;川普;喇叭
复数:trumps 现在分词:trumping 过去式:trumped 同义词
1. | [c] (某些纸牌游戏的一张)王牌,主牌,将牌(in some card games) a card that belongs to the suit (= one of the four sets in a pack/deck of cards) that has been chosen for a particular game to have a higher value than the other three suits |
| I played a trump and won the trick. 我打出一张主牌,赢了那一墩。 |
2. | [uspv] (某些纸牌游戏的)王牌花色,主牌花色(in some card games) the suit that has been chosen for a particular game to have a higher value than the other three suits |
1. | ~ sth (with sth) 出王牌赢(牌);出王牌压掉(他人的牌)to play a trump card that beats sb else's card |
2. | ~ sth/sb 赢;胜过;打败to beat sth that sb says or does by saying or doing sth even better |
come up/turn up trumps
打出王牌;做有助于获得(意外)成功的事to do what is necessary to make a particular situation successful, especially when this is sudden or unexpected
| I didn't honestly think he'd pass the exam but he came up trumps on the day. 说实话我以为他考试及不了格,但是那天他发挥出色,考得不错。 |
Even the Bush administration, trying to trump yet another Democratic election card, is now proposing more oversight for financial markets.
The right to freedom of speech and expression could not trump the constitutional right to dignity, said the judge, who happened to be white.
True, a duller ex-governor of a Midwestern state would not have had a musical written about him, or appeared in Donald Trump's reality show.
If Greece were to restructure its debt, it would not take long for greed to trump fear and for capital to start flowing again.
The economy ought to be the Democrats' trump card, just as security tends to be the Republicans'.
After a political tease that's lasted several weeks, Donald Trump finally decided he was not ready to leave the private sector.
A man is not to be sneered at for having a trump card in his hand, he is only to be sneered at if he plays his trump card badly.
Those jokers were wild cards, trump cards, and one was as good as half the cards of the opponent of him that had it.
Zurich - South Africa played its Nelson Mandela trump card at the very last moment to let the message ring out loudly: give it to us.
Since the recession set in, the left has not been able to play what should have been its electoral trump card: "We told you so. "
The noise of the hinge rang in his ears with something of the piercing and formidable sound of the trump of the Day of Judgment.
However, Trump said he did not think that this person would in his company's long-term work.
Frankly, your resume was no better or worse than any of the other applicants. . . but your Trump hair put you over the top.
Donald Trump happens to own the building in which he both lives and works. Mr. Trump "commutes" to his office in a private elevator.
And I read about Donald Trump, trying to find out how he negotiates and puts deals together.
I wanted to get Trump's response to all this, but his spokesman has not replied to a request for comment.
she took a dinner knife to her forearm one night in an effort to trump the psychic pain she was in.
But for now , recession risks are enough to trump the allure of cheaper money , at least as far as equity traders are concerned .
While efficiency, creativity and credit availability are important, they cannot be allowed to trump safety and soundness.
But Darwin also saw that interests at the two levels often conflict sharply. In those cases, he said, individual interests trump.
Draw your opponent's trump.
In March of that year, he announced that he might miss his $43 million principal and interest payment on Trump Castle.
With a close, supportive family and a manager who has dealt with the likes of O'Sullivan, it appears Trump is in safe hands.
Trump added that had he decided to run, he is convinced he could have won the Republican Party nomination and the presidency next year.
While getting ready for the hotel's grand opening, Donald Trump was involved already in his next deal, the biggest one so far.
Its writ can trump that of national governments when the single market is thought to be at risk.
This means that men who do make it to their century must depend more on genetic trump cards to see them through.
In Hubei province , Wudang Mountain is only listed in the World Culture Inheritance Name List and also is one of three big trump cards.
Under its present management, laments Mr Trump ( "our current president came out of nowhere" ), it is sorely disrespected.
The backwash squeeze is a useful way of neutralizing enemy trumps that cannot be drawn. It may help to establish a trump coup, for instance.
Moreover, a renewed plunge into economic crisis could influence and ultimately trump the factors driving commodities markets at the moment.
He was invited on a talk show trump the United States, "Colbert Report" , also received two books and a movie contract.
China's desire for resource security will probably trump any reservations it might have about nuclear power.
Paradoxically, the weakness of both Berlusconi and Tremonti means that neither can trump the other, at least in the short term.
Donald Trump told TIME that Jackson used to drop to his knees to crawl away from maniacal fans after concerts.
She was never able to trump up the courage to have a showdown.
Maple is trying to trump a friendly offer for TMX from the London Stock Exchange.
Nor did she need to try to trump Mr Bush's Social Security reforms with reforms of her own, which might lead to a Bush-boosting compromise.
Earlier this spring Ms. Palin voiced support for Mr. Trump's interest in "getting to the bottom" of President Obama's birth certificate.
The Times repeated the "fact" again in a 1976 profile, "Donald Trump, Real Estate Promoter, Builds Image As He Buys Buildings"
You could not say that Donald Trump's New York is more or less real than that of a street vendor originally from Karachi.