美 [ɡrum]
英 [ɡruːm] 
- v.培养;(给动物)擦洗;(给自己或其他动物)理毛;使做好准备
- n.马夫;马倌;马匹饲养员
- 网络新郎;培训;格鲁姆
复数:grooms 现在分词:grooming 过去式:groomed 反义词
1. | ~ sth (给动物)擦洗,刷洗to clean or brush an animal |
| to groom a horse/dog/cat 刷洗马╱狗╱猫 |
| The horses are all well fed and groomed. 这些马都喂得饱饱的,刷洗得干干净净。 |
2. | ~ sth (给自己或其他动物)理毛,梳毛to clean the fur or skin of another animal or itself |
| a female ape grooming her mate 为同伴梳毛的母猿 |
3. | 使做好准备;培养;训练to prepare or train sb for an important job or position |
| Our junior employees are being groomed for more senior roles. 我们的初级雇员正在接受培训以承担更重要的职责。 |
| The eldest son is being groomed to take over when his father dies. 长子正在接受培养,以在父亲过世后接手父业。 |
4. | ~ sb 为约会(儿童)做准备,引诱(尤指利用互联网聊天室进行非法性活动)to prepare a child for a meeting, especially using an Internet chat room , with the intention of performing an illegal sexual act |
1. | 马夫;马倌;马匹饲养员a person whose job is to feed and take care of horses, especially by brushing and cleaning them |
His friend said: "No groom, how capable and strong he may be, can be of any use to you if you stick to going northward. "
Like a father brings his daughter to her bride - groom and gives her to him, so God brought the woman to the man.
If you were a newlywed groom, you could annul a marriage if on your wedding night you discovered that your wife has bad breath.
with training, the monkeys began to treat the arm as their own, even trying to groom it.
Just as you adapt your language to the audience and the occasion, so should you dress and groom appropriately.
When the even wealthier to-be-groom said no, she convinced her mother to purchase it for her.
St Lucy as a young girl decided to devote her life to Christ and refused to marry the groom selected by her mother.
Even more interesting, long ago in Italy, the father, on giving away his daughter to the groom, presented him with one of her slippers.
The careless groom left the wedding ring in his apartment. So, in the heavy rain, he had to pound his way home to get it.
Groom them at least once a week to control shedding and for quality bonding time.
You know the honeymoon's over when the groom stops helping his wife with the dishes- and starts doing them himself!
The Groom-to-be, overcoming his fear, decided to ask his father for advice.
yes , yes , ill go with you , said pierre , looking about him , trying to see his groom.
Upon his arrival, the bride and groom are hoisted into the air and paraded around on the shoulders of their guests.
"Groom" life is not long, died shortly after mating to leave, "the widow, " living a lonely life of ants alone.
We were delighted to hear about your engagement to Lee Fang. We wish you and your groom a long and happy marriage life.
May every happiness be yours on this wedding day. Let an old friend of yours send her love and congratulations to you and the groom.
Didn't you see that she was patronizing you as if you were a groom .
His father onto the altar of the bride bride and groom she was handed over to the dark attire.
We expected a perfectly normal wedding until the groom left the bride at the altar. We waited for an hour but he never came.
Help me to groom the horses for the show tonight.
The bridesmaids and ushers once dressed like the bride and groom to trick evil spirits so that they would not know who was getting married.
After a few months, the groom and his relatives come for the bride and take her to his home along with the dowry.
She said again and again to the would-be husband, to the groom: Go and tell the priest that I don't want to be kissed after the marriage.
But there's a simple way for the groom to send his Bros out with a bang. . . bridesmaids.
The groom assured her that she would always be beautiful in his eyes and that he probably would always be ugly in hers!
It was the sight of her groom, racing towards the church on a strange-looking skateboard.
Red cap does not have accredit people of any be in charge of an examination or groom the partner reports to examinee directly achievement.
All your family and friends gathered here hope that today is the beginning of a wonderful lifelong partnership with the lucky groom.
Groom wanted to parlay her finance background into a new career in health care, so she asked to work with a nonprofit in that sector.
If your weight is a concern to you or the groom, it should be one of the first things you address when preparing for your wedding.
Your wedding dress is the key way that you share yourself with your wedding guests, and of course, your groom.
The horse only pulled forward a little. He said to the groom, "Go that way. Don't cross the light. "
Moreover, animals often seem to groom each other for far longer than is strictly necessary to keep their fur pristine.
Doctors who treated the groom said he suffered from amnesia after receiving a bump to the head.
He turned on all his charm, shaking the groom's hand, toasting him with a glass of wine.
on this most auspicious occasion, to say a word of congratulations to the groom, Mr. White, and to wish much happiness to his lovely Bride.
The bride and groom cooked porridge at their wedding, leading to the popular expression "you won't cook porridge with him or her. "
But if there were no females around, he would have to groom for up to 16 minutes before sex was offered.
The groom gulped and looked around, and said in a tiny voice, "Yes. "
For the professional rider whose groom is an intermediary between himself and his mount, a grumpy horse in the stable is of little concern.