美 [blʌf]
英 [blʌf] 
- v.虚张声势;唬人;吹牛
- n.虚张声势的做法;唬人;(尤指海边或河边的)峭壁
- adj.直率豪爽的(尽管有时不够礼貌)
- 网络布拉夫;吓唬;悬崖
复数:bluffs 现在分词:bluffing 过去式:bluffed 同义词
1. | [i][t] ~ (sth) 虚张声势;唬人;吹牛to try to make sb believe that you will do sth that you do not really intend to do, or that you know sth that you do not really know |
| I don't think he'll shoot─I think he's just bluffing. 我认为他不会开枪,我想他不过是在吓唬人。 |
1. | [u][c] 虚张声势的做法;唬人an attempt to trick sb by making them believe that you will do sth when you really have no intention of doing it, or that you know sth when you do not, in fact, know it |
| It was just a game of bluff. 那只不过是唬人的把戏。 |
| He said he would resign if he didn't get more money, but it was only a bluff. 他说如果不给他加薪他就辞职,但那不过是虚张声势而已。 |
2. | [c] (尤指海边或河边的)峭壁,陡岸a steep cliff or slope, especially by the sea or a river |
1. | 直率豪爽的(尽管有时不够礼貌)very direct and cheerful, with good intentions, although not always very polite |
| Beneath his bluff exterior he was a sensitive man. 他外表大大咧咧,但其实是个敏感的人。 |
The company's threat to sack anyone who went on strike was just (a) bluff. 6. You two are a perfect match.
My paper, "Bluff your way into a new job, " is all about stretch growth.
She called his bluff. 'That's fine with me, ' she said in a calm, controlled voice.
For all the bluster, one can't help feeling the tough EU stance is a bit of a bluff.
When at last he stood upon the bluff, he turned to his little sister and looked upon her sorrowfully.
Please remember how much they got by brass and bluff at the time of the French collapse.
He has to call his bluff in court and tell everyone what he knows about the matter.
On the other hand, she says she was prepared to die and wasn't trying to call her husband's bluff.
" It'd be better all round if you get on with you work, " he said, the honest, bluff John Bull.
When at last he stood upon the bluff, he turned to his little sister and looked upon her sorrow fully.
The boss threatened to dismiss him from his job, but it is all a bluff.
his way through any difficulty. . It is not easy to climb a bluff mountain. He has a bluff way of speaking, but a kind heart.
It seems to me that he can't bluff it out any longer because the authoritieshave started to look into the matter.
A bluff, perhaps. But it has raised fears of an impending strike and of a clash of something more serious than words.
Google: China was prepared to call Google's bluff when the US company threatened to withdraw from the country.
I though it was just a bluff to get me to stay home from school.
The company's threat to sack anyone who went on strike was just (a) bluff.
Kim Jong-il has now decided to call Seoul's bluff in an extremely risky attack that is in effect an act of war.
I'm home now. The weather has turned. The wind is howling through the fir trees on the edge of my bluff.
Finally, at the crest of a wooded bluff overlooking the Missouri River, Anderson pulled over and yanked Laura out of the truck.
They parted cordially enough, although Dick could not bring himself to match Charlie's bluff good-humour.
He had slipped into his bluff public role.
He could bluff his way through any difficulty.
If he is not resigned to losing, if he wants to rise in his company and industry, then in such a crisis he will bluff-and bluff hard.
'If you intervened now [without China], markets would probably call the bluff and governments would lose, ' he said.
whether I bluff at poker depends on whether I think you are likely to call the bluff.
Smith always said he would quit, so they finally called his bluff.
Roy: Wait, so your whole speech about honor was just a bluff? ! ?
Whoever poses as a people's police to cheat and bluff is to be heavily punished in accordance with the preceding paragraph.
He always said he would quit , so we finally called his bluff.
Sometimes you can scare the other players out of the game with a bluff and 'steal' the pot with a worthless hand.
One of the choppers set down on the beach below them, the other on the bluff above.
" It'll take you a week or so , " said Connolly, a bluff westerner in his sixties .
He felt at once the antagonism in the atmosphere, something radical and insuperable, and he bit his lip. But he affected a bluff manner.
In reality, they're trying to cajole, bluff and calm their audience of global money-sloshers.
We reach the top of a small bluff where three mud-brick classrooms stand, their walls gouged with bullet holes, their roofs missing.
Look, Victoria, you asked me to call her bluff once.
wood and glass architecture of the restaurant only accentuates the natural beauty of the bluff on which The Oasis. is. located.
This bluff terminated in a curious peak that seemed to be not more than a mile away from us.
call someone's bluff He is seeking to call attention to himself by his crimes.
Because it seems to be justified, bluff bluffing can, really to the crucial moment, that didn't come in handy.
But I called his bluff--I told him no, and wished him good luck.