美 [naɪt]
英 [naɪt] 
- n.晚上;夜;夜晚;(举行盛事的)夜晚
- 网络夜间;黑夜;夜色
复数:nights 反义词
1. | 夜;夜晚the time between one day and the next when it is dark, when people usually sleep |
| These animals only come out at night . 这些动物只在夜晚出来。 |
| They sleep by day and hunt by night . 他们白天睡觉,夜晚捕猎。 |
| The accident happened on Friday night. 事故发生在星期五夜里。 |
| on the night of 10 January/January 10 在 1 月 10 日晚上 |
| Did you hear the storm last night ? 昨天夜里下大雨,你听见了吗? |
| I lay awake all night . 我一夜没睡着。 |
| Where did you spend the night ? 你是在哪里过夜的? |
| You're welcome to stay the night here. 欢迎你在这里留宿。 |
| What is he doing calling at this time of night ? 他干吗这么晚了还打电话? |
| You'll feel better after you've had a good night's sleep . 你好好睡一夜就会觉得好些了。 |
| The trip was for ten nights. 这次旅行要住十个晚上。 |
| The hotel costs €65 per person per night . 住这家酒店,每人每天要 65 欧元。 |
| the night train/boat/flight 夜间列车╱轮船╱飞机班次 |
| Night fell(= it became dark) . 夜幕降临。 |
2. | 晚上,夜晚(夜里就寝前的一段时间)the evening until you go to bed |
| Let's go out on Saturday night . 我们星期六晚上出去吧。 |
| Bill's parents came for dinner last night . 昨天晚上,比尔的父母来吃晚饭了。 |
| She doesn't like to walk home late at night . 她不喜欢深夜步行回家。 |
| I saw her in town the other night(= a few nights ago) . 前两天晚上我在城里见过她。 |
| I'm working late tomorrow night . 明晚我要工作到很晚。 |
3. | (举行盛事的)夜晚;…之夜an evening when a special event happens |
| the first/opening night(= of a play, film/movie, etc.) 首映╱首演之夜 |
| |
| an Irish/a Scottish, etc. night(= with Irish/Scottish music, entertainment, etc.) 一场爱尔兰、苏格兰等歌舞晚会 |
Most boys tried to leave the girl's home before daylight, but a girl's parents usually did not get angry about the night visits.
It's amazing how much better things look after a good night's sleep.
I think he half expected her to wander into one of his parties, some night.
In the heart of each night just to pray, you know how much I love you?
Be sure to have lunches packed the night before and have backpacks sitting at the exit door ready to receive them in the morning.
The woman who was selling the boat explained that it had been her husband's. His name was Wayne and he used to go fishing a lot at night.
We were sorry to leave after just one night as we felt that there was much more to see, but Munich beckoned.
He is always asked by the State Committee to go out on stump during campaign. Yet you talked just as well as he the other night at dinner.
This undoubtedly is very selfish of me because I have learned that this rechecking of each day gives me a good night's sleep.
The wind direction will switch to an onshore direction Monday night into Tuesday, threatening to send the radiation toward the population.
Just how much we miss them on our television screens every Thursday night.
Tom felt happy in his success, for he knew it was the boat's last trip for the night.
After the kids are in bed and down for the night we do a quick sweep of the play areas to "reset" for the next day.
Nerissa And pardon me, my gentle Gratiano, for that same scrubbed boy the doctor's clerk, in lieu of this, last night did lie with me.
Alley alley, is the last waltz, night fencing, cold water down in wine, window, this night, for you, drunk drunk.
Many mornings, she would wake up to the kiss of a stranger, unable to remember what had happened the night before.
After the death of her mother, Rosie had a fitful night, tossing and turning and getting up frequently.
Raise head to see the color of the sky, already gradual night, my mood already that weather is general, delivering more of heavy.
On a typical night, the company he owns will have 10 to 15 rooms booked at the hotel, for foreign visitors coming to do business with him.
How much is a room for one night?
Victor Henry had tried to avoid a night with the Army man, to duck the risk of just such a probe.
The night watchman walked around the building to make sure that every door and window had been locked.
I found that the students had no rules-they didn't have to be in by a certain time of night.
It was a night when sorrow may come to the brightest without causing any great sense of incongruity.
When you woke in the morning, you did not know whether you would see the night.
On the great night the poor young woman went upstairs to look on from behind the doors of the salon.
At last I managed to extract from him that Mole had been seen in the Wild wood last night by one of them.
Rat never been home all night nor Mole either, something dreadful must have happened, they said.
He had suffered from a number of fears which attacked him in the night.
It was better, Bundy thought, to let the President have a night sleep in preparation for the ordeal ahead.
It was as if the Night sang dirges with clenched teeth.
Catherine was lying in the narrow bed wearing a plain, square-cut night-gown that looked as though it were made of rough sheeting.
Then Phoenix was like an old woman begging a dignified forgiveness for waking up frightened in the night.
Night came, and with it but little rest for her.
He thought he had been needlessly savage to him on the last night when they had met.
I'll lash the two oars together across the stern and that will slow him in the night.
The train won't come till 11 at night. We'll have to sweat it out for 3 hours.
"Last night, " he said, "New York laid itself out for you. "
Night approached, and with it a storm.
He made a great business of making his coffee in the morning and frying himself a little bacon at night.
He turned out the light, picked up his cases, and went down the stairs and out of the door into the night.
We were able to bunk(down) in a spare room for the night.
She threw at me a very naughty look, so naughty that I would not kiss her good-night at first.
In the middle of the night Eugenie, whose thought were all for her cousin, thought she heard the groan of a dying man.
She, too, had been awake all that night. She had been thinking of a thing which had agitated her mind a hundred times before.
It was a miracle of luck and a fantastic stroke that had enabled him to see her that night.
The captain was not a man gifted with social graces, and having dinner with his passengers every night was an ordeal for him.
The only sound that broke the stillness of the night was the whistle of a bullet.
It was as though day had dawned after a long and fearful night.
She appeared to be on her high horse to-night.
Red-eye because I never feel ready to teach, no matter how late I stay up the night before preparing for class.
Yes, college was a valuable experience for me, and I'm sure it will also be one for my son, wherever he decides to go on prom night, I mean.
It might have stayed that way, had I not been flicking through the TV channels late one night, when something caught my ear . . .
Home that night after the tone a bit hard to me, of course, listening to her a bit uncomfortable, then we will fight a few small.
And it rocks day and night, like a boat, on every wave of the hours, the word that I had to say to her.
James treated the Thunder like crash-test dummies all night, as he relentlessly attack the basket and bullied his way inside.
Day and night, you see the figure gradually growing, you think back to the teachings of an invisible force and inject heart.
I began to consider seriously whether or not to "retreat" when my husband and i hold our crying son walking coax him to sleep at night.
She told that, she do not sleep well every night. and I just want to say I am making dream every deep night, I lose sleep yet.
As i lie at night i'm imagining things, abercrombie and fitch paris, how it used to be, girl you know your hurting me.
On holidays he would take his wife to the House of All Nations and hire a room for the night. Every room was appointed in a different style.
It would be a crime to send the boy out on such a cold, wet night.
It was an amazing night, but obviously we are very disappointed because we were so close to getting to the next round.
He is often seen to read hard in his study room from morning till night.
Jack had words with his girlfriend last night. She said she never wanted to see him again.
Like Fernando, it would have been a bit risky to push him into the game tomorrow night.
Silver-tone hands with luminous fill make it easy to tell time day or night, and the slim second hand is detailed with a red accent.
Some hairpieces must be removed each night; others can be worn for up to a month at a time.
Saturday night. He had only one night more to live. And as he thought of this, the day broke--Sunday.
I felt it was time to call it a night.
Together they had stood guard more than one cold and rainy night, their feet in the mud, the wind slapping their faces.
Whatever the previous portion of the evening had been, the rest of that night was a great triumph for Becky.
It was night still and there was no promise of morning.
Night shortly after drew its veil over the lake, and the whole of that seemingly interminable wilderness.
During the night troops passed through the village, reporting the enemy had taken Silver Town to the north.
Looking out at the passing night I wondered what kind of men they were.
Through the night one after another crept into Judy's room to explain how deeply they opposed such a marriage.
He waited in the dark street until she appeared, all warm and glowing, in the window above and kissed her fingers out into the night.
He's been very restless all day and he was awake nearly all last night.
"The last advance was seventy, " said the dwarf; "and it went in one night. "