美 [ɔn]
英 [ɒn] 
- prep.对;在;根据;使用
- adv.值班;表示持续性;向前(移动);穿在身上
- adj.在进行;在发生;在活动;通着
- n.【板】(打球人的)左边
- 网络开(open);在……上;接通
过去分词:onned 现在分词:onning 第三人称单数:ons 反义词
1. | (覆盖、附着)在…上(意指接触物体表面或构成物体表面的一部分)in or into a position covering, touching or forming part of a surface |
| |
| There's a mark on your skirt. 你裙子上有一块污斑。 |
| the diagram on page 5 第 5 页上的图解 |
| Put it down on the table. 把它放在桌子上。 |
| He had been hit on the head. 他被打中了脑袋。 |
| She climbed on to the bed. 她爬上了床。 |
| She was standing on one foot. 她单脚站立着。 |
| Try lying on your back. 试着仰卧。 |
| Hang your coat on that hook. 把衣服挂在衣钩上。 |
3. | 在(交通工具)上used to show a means of transport |
| He was on the plane from New York. 他在发自纽约来的飞机上。 |
| to travel on the bus/tube/coach 乘公共汽车╱地铁╱长途汽车 |
| I came on my bike. 我骑自行车来的。 |
| a woman on horseback 骑马的女郎 |
4. | 在(某一天)used to show a day or date |
| He came on Sunday. 他是星期天来的。 |
| We meet on Tuesdays. 我们每星期二见面。 |
| on May the first/the first of May 在五月一日 |
| on the evening of May the first 在五月一日的晚上 |
| |
| |
5. | 就在…之后;一…就immediately after sth |
| On arriving home I discovered they had gone. 我一到家就发现他们已经离开了。 |
| Please report to reception on arrival. 到达后请立即到接待处报到。 |
| There was a letter waiting for him on his return. 他一回来就有一封信在等着他看。 |
| a book on South Africa 一本关于南非的书 |
| She tested us on irregular verbs. 她考了我们的不规则动词。 |
7. | (身上)带着;有being carried by sb; in the possession of sb |
| Have you got any money on you? 你带钱了没有? |
8. | 为(某团体或组织)的一员used to show that sb belongs to a group or an organization |
| to be on the committee/staff/jury/panel 为委员会╱全体职员╱陪审团╱专家组的成员 |
| Whose side are you on(= which of two or more different views do you support) ? 你支持哪一方的观点? |
9. | 吃;喝;按时服用(药物)eating or drinking sth; using a drug or a medicine regularly |
| He lived on a diet of junk food. 他把垃圾食品当饭吃。 |
| The doctor put me on antibiotics. 医生要我服用抗生素。 |
10. | (表示方向)在,向,对used to show direction |
| |
| He turned his back on us. 他转过身去背对着我们。 |
11. | 在,接近(某地)at or near a place |
| |
| a house on the Thames 泰晤士河畔的房子 |
| We lived on an estate. 我们住在一处庄园上。 |
12. | 根据;由于used to show the basis or reason for sth |
| a story based on fact 基于事实的小说 |
| On their advice I applied for the job. 我听从他们的建议申请了这份工作。 |
| to live on a pension/a student grant 靠养老金╱助学金生活 |
| |
| You can't feed a family on £50 a week. 你无法靠每周 50 英镑养活一家人。 |
| Drinks are on me(= I am paying) . 饮料钱由我付。 |
14. | 通过;使用;借助于by means of sth; using sth |
| She played a tune on her guitar. 她用她的吉他弹了一支曲子。 |
| The information is available on the Internet. 从互联网上可以得到这个信息。 |
| We spoke on the phone. 我们通过电话谈了谈。 |
| |
| The programme's on Channel 4. 这个节目在 4 频道。 |
15. | (与某些名词或形容词连用,表示影响到)used with some nouns or adjectives to say who or what is affected by sth |
| |
| He's hard on his kids. 他对自己的孩子很严厉。 |
| Go easy on the mayo!(= do not take/give me too much) 少放一点蛋黄酱! |
| Sales are up on last year. 销售量比去年增长了。 |
17. | (用于说明活动或状态)used to describe an activity or a state |
| to be on business/holiday/vacation 在工作╱度假中 |
| The book is currently on loan. 该书已借出。 |
18. | (用于提供电话号码)used when giving a telephone number |
| You can get me on 020 7946 0887. 你找我可以拨打 020 7946 0887。 |
| She's on extension 2401. 她的分机号是 2401。 |
1. | (表示持续性)used to show that sth continues |
| He worked on without a break. 他毫不停歇地继续工作。 |
| If you like a good story, read on. 欲知故事的趣味所在,请往下读。 |
2. | 向前(移动)used to show that sb/sth moves or is sent forward |
| She stopped for a moment, then walked on. 她停了一会儿,然后又向前走。 |
| Keep straight on for the beach. 一直向前走到海滩。 |
| From then on he never trusted her again. 从那时起,他再也不信任她了。 |
| Please send the letter on to my new address. 请把信件转寄到我的新地址。 |
3. | 穿在身上;穿着;戴着on sb's body; being worn |
| |
| I didn't have my glasses on. 我没戴眼镜。 |
| What did she have on(= what was she wearing) ? 她穿着什么衣服? |
4. | (表示覆盖、接触某物或成为某物的一部分)covering, touching or forming part of sth |
| Make sure the lid is on. 要注意盖上盖子。 |
5. | (表示已连接、处于工作状态或使用中)connected or operating; being used |
| The lights were all on. 灯都亮着。 |
| The TV is always on in their house. 他们家的电视总是开着。 |
| We were without electricity for three hours but it's on again now. 我们停电三个小时了,不过现在又来电了。 |
| There was a war on at the time. 当时正值战争。 |
| What's on at the movies? 电影院在上演什么片子? |
| The band are on(= performing) in ten minutes. 乐队再过十分钟开始演奏。 |
7. | (预先安排的事)将发生planned to take place in the future |
| The game is still on(= it has not been cancelled) . 比赛仍将举行。 |
| I don't think we've got anything on this weekend. 我想这个周末我们没安排活动。 |
| I'm sorry we can't come─we've got a lot on . 很抱歉我们去不了,我们安排得太满了。 |
| I'm on now till 8 tomorrow morning. 我正在值班,要值到明早 8 点钟。 |
9. | 登上(车辆)in or into a vehicle |
| The bus stopped and four people got on. 公共汽车停下来,四个人上了车。 |
| They hurried on to the plane. 他们匆忙登上了飞机。 |
be on about sth
谈论(某事);有…的意思to talk about sth; to mean sth
| I didn't know what he was on about. It didn't make sense. 我不知道他说的是什么,他说得不清不楚的。 |
be/go/keep on about sth
抱怨;唠叨;发牢骚to talk in a boring or complaining way about sth
| Stop keeping on about it! 别再唠叨那件事了! |
be/go/keep on at sb (to do sth)
(对某人)絮叨;说(或问)得令人生厌to keep asking or telling sb sth so that they become annoyed or tired
| He was on at me again to lend him money. 他又来缠着我借钱给他。 |
be on for sth
| Is anyone on for a drink after work? 有人想下班后喝一杯吗? |
it isnt on
不行;没门儿used to say that sth is not acceptable
on and on
连续不停地;持续地without stopping; continuously
| She went on and on about her trip. 她没完没了地谈她的旅行。 |
what are you, etc. on?
你鬼迷心窍了吧;你吃错药了吧used when you are very surprised at sb's behaviour and are suggesting that they are acting in a similar way to sb using drugs
youre on
(用于接受打赌时)赌就赌吧used when you are accepting a bet
prep. | 1. 在(某日);在(某日的晨,午,夜);和...同时,刚一... 2. 依据;靠;因...,从...得来的;(费用等)由...承担[支付] |
adv. | |
adj. | |
n. | |
na. | |
The book is perhaps best known for having predicted that attack on the United States by Japan and an air war between the two powers.
Later I asked my friends to shed some light on the matter, but none of them knew any more than I did.
Kirk said the initiative would translate into jobs, as U. S. partners were forced to follow through on commitments to open markets.
One day, however, I happened to be in that area calling on other replies, and out of curiosity I decided to look the old lady up.
Insgroupsto show me a good time when I called on him in ChengDu. My cousin brought mesintosa five star restaurant to have dinner.
A week before she tried to hang herself, her family found the sites that she had been logging on to on the computer.
Since Agile places a lot of emphasis on quality, it is often considered a dimension which sits at the middle of the triangle.
Cole, 24, has been a regular in recent weeks and is determined to go from strength to strength after scoring against Newcastle on Saturday.
The "modified" is the word on behalf of the correct translation, if you are let me answer the question, then I'll answer this question.
I wish it were so. At your age you ought to be growing away from your parents. You should be learning to stand On your own feet.
We took our tea together; and afterwards she lay down on the rug, and told me not to talk, for she was weary.
This report focuses on the case of a pregnant woman with a bad obstetric history who developed psychosis at the 23 rd week of gestation.
down on its prey. Suddenly it was hit by an arrow. It fluttered slowly down to the earth, and blood was pouring from the wound.
Very easy to understand tutorial on how to create a menu list using either CSS border-style or background-image property.
And if it's just an announcement about something, people feel they've got to take a position on it.
If they cannot insist on this, they say, there is nothing to stop their group from being taken over by people hostile to its principles.
The scene the horror film where the cannibal s dismembered the missionary left me with my hair standing on end.
Our students are usually free to use the platform on which they are most comfortable; most have at least one computer, and many have more.
Russian laws on extremism and 'petty hooliganism' have been used to limit political speech and personal attacks against Mr. Putin.
Several months later, some evidence indicates that the widespread desire for a brake on executive pay might be beginning to be realised.
You were depending on me to bring you out of it.
In those days he had seemed to understand, and he had not stood in judgement on her.
The mother has shown a poor sense of responsibility, often gallivanting off somewhere and leaving the children on their own.
"I don't pretend to argue with a lady on politics, " said Mr. Brooke, with an air of smiling indifference.
He did not know, for on 16th July, 1945, his verdict was exploded by an atomic bomb!
Later on I took him to Dover to see our heavy batteries glaring across the Channel at the coast of France-for us Germany.
No one told him that she stepped out on him.
If sickness had not brought him down on the journey, he probably would have succeeded in his mission.
Costigan, in his most intoxicated and confidential moments, also evaded any replies to questions or hints addressed to him on this subject.
If his wife once lays her hands on that money there will not be much of it left.
The mother is jumping her baby up and down on her knees.
Whether this was due to Sir Omicron Pie is a question on which it may be well not to offer an opinion.
His eyes which he usually kept fixed on the ground before his feet, were attracted upwards by the dome of St. Paul's.
He gave us a synopsis of what he proposed to discuss with Pompidou when he stopped in Paris on the way home.
The Soviet Union needed no growth in its military capabilities to attack it even if it was not yet strong enough to take on the west.
The Roman Aurelius Cassiodorus rendered a few parts of the Greek works on mathematics and astronomy in his own poor version.
She had felt that the changing of the world, the ending of all that echoed in her father's moaning, was the simplest thing on earth.
Tell the children not to bounce up and down on the bed.
On an impulse he said, "Why don't you and I have dinner together? "
She had just been back for a row on the river, and the sun that netted the little waves with gold seemed to have caught her in its meshes.
You know I don't go away from home often, and I came up here on purpose to tell you this.
If she is in any degree amiable, I shall surely be able to get on with her.
Perhaps the only surprising feature is that it has taken so long to establish itself on the British side of the Atlantic.
I attribute all this to the fact that what should have been for me the happy joyous days of childhood were spent on a chicken farm.
The traveller spread his hands, palms downwards, on the grass, and looked at Shelton with a smile.
He laid a heavy hand on my shoulder, and leaning on me with some stress, limped to his horse.
A smile oozed out on Gradman's face, greasy with countless mutton-chops, the smile of a man who sits all day.
Sir Launcelot, in his richest armor, came striding along the great hall now on his way to the stock-board.
He asked for a margin of at least thirty percent over the German Fleet on account of expected losses in the passage.
As he was destitute of any other means of defence, his safety now depended entirely on bodily strength and resolution.
He made his way to the auxiliary building and viewed the radioactive water collected on the floor.
She placed one she had been perusing on his hand; he flung it off, and muttered, if she did not give over, he would break her neck.
It went head to head with the best midsize luxury sedans from Germany and came out on top.
He said he had come to suggest that Bank of America pay higher interest rates on savings accounts.
In a weird way, it was as if we were together again, on a more intimate level than ever before, though without him knowing it.
When I remarked on her competence, she told me with that pleasant little smile of hers that for a while she had worked in a hospital.
Important: Heat cannot be applied to be water fittings on the heater as they may contain nonmetallic parts.
In December the president allowed himself to be photographed without a shirt on a Hawaiian beach.
On Friday he said he hopes for an even higher figure and noted that the International Monetary Fund forecasts 8. 8 percent.
On the path of growing, we try to understand what is love and duty , trying to be tamed and tame others.
Jewish tradition places the onus on the man to understand the emotional needs of a woman and to satisfy them.
"The debate is still out on the long-term benefits of listing asset management groups, " admits one corporate financier.
'Look' she said to me. On the screen a coloured dot had appeared and was growing rapidly.
He said he looked forward to a full debate on the issue.
This halfling is unlike most other halflings , because when he's trapped to be the hero, he always comes out on top.
And then, while Cassie continued to sleep peacefully on her caretaker's belly, the doctor gave the dog the final injection.
The spec may go on to clarify or elaborate on them, or it may leave them ambiguous in which case, you've found a bug.
Suddenly there was a tremor in the air, and the sky seemed to kiss me on my forehead. My mind started up like the morning out of mist.
At such a time, the Mahavishnu holds all Ten Octaves of Love for the purpose of leadership on Earth and within Shamballa.
Well, first let me say, on behalf of Hillary and Chelsea and myself, we thank you for coming, we're glad to see you.
When Bertha was alone in her room she threw herself down on her bed and burst into tears.
Having bounced in and out of the room, Margaret finally came and knelt down on the floor beside him to see what he was doing.
The surface active nature of admixtures has caused some concern as to its effect on this property.
He knew even as the pain slipped out of him that his luck had run out on the stage.
He fell there on his hands and knees to check himself, for that rock was small and he might have pitched over on the far side.
He hastily scrawled a line or two on a dirty piece of paper, and said to her, as she drew back when he offered it.
Being abundant, every other care appeared to have subsided in the sense of enjoyment dependent on this all-important fact.
He made a pig of himself and porked out on ham sandwiches all afternoon.
The man of whiskers gave a blast on the whistle which he used to wear hanging round his neck.
It lies on the map like the top half of a broken cane, parallel with the Equator but a long, long way north.