美 [skul]
英 [skuːl] 
- n.上学;学院;学派;大学
- v.教育;训练;使学会;培养
- 网络学校;流派;群
复数:schools 现在分词:schooling 过去式:schooled 反义词
儿童学习的处所where children learn
1. | [c] (中、小)学校a place where children go to be educated |
| My brother and I went to the same school. 我和我哥哥上的是同一所学校。 |
| Which school do they attend? 他们上的是哪一所学校? |
| I'm going to the school today to talk to Kim's teacher. 今天我要去学校和金的老师谈一谈。 |
| We need more money for roads, hospitals and schools. 我们需要更多的资金来修公路、建医院和办学校。 |
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2. | [u] 上学;上学阶段the process of learning in a school ; the time during your life when you go to a school |
| to start/leave school 入学;(受完义务教育)离开中学 |
| to start/quit school 入学;(受完义务教育)离开中学 |
| Where did you go to school? 你是在哪里上学的? |
| All my kids are still at school . 我的孩子还都在上学。 |
| All my kids are still in school . 我的孩子还都在上学。 |
| to teach school(= teach in a school) 教书 |
| The transition from school to work can be difficult. 从在学校念书到上班工作,这一转变有时候可真不容易。 |
3. | [u] 上课(或上学)时间the time during the day when children are working in a school |
| Shall I meet you after school today? 今天放学后我去找你好吗? |
| School begins at 9. 9 点开始上课。 |
| The kids are at/in school until 3.30. 孩子们到 3:30 才放学。 |
| after-school activities 课外活动 |
师生students and teachers
4. | [sing] 学校全体师生all the children or students and the teachers in a school |
| I had to stand up in front of the whole school. 我只得在全校师生面前站起来。 |
培养专门技能for particular skill
5. | [c] 专业学校;专科学校a place where people go to learn a particular subject or skill |
| a drama/language/riding, etc. school 戏剧、语言、骑术等学校 |
6. | [c][u]
学院;大学;上大学时期a college or university; the time that you spend there |
| famous schools like Yale and Harvard 像耶鲁和哈佛这样的著名大学 |
| Where did you go to school? 你是在哪里上的大学? |
7. | [c] (高等院校的)学院,系a department of a college or university that teaches a particular subject |
| the business/medical/law school 商学院;医学院;法学院 |
| the School of Dentistry 口腔医学系 |
作家;艺术家of writers/artists
8. | [c] 学派;流派a group of writers, artists, etc. whose style of work or opinions have been influenced by the same person or ideas |
| the Dutch school of painting 荷兰画派 |
鱼of fish
9. | [c] 群a large number of fish or other sea animals, swimming together |
1. | 训练;使学会to train sb/yourself/an animal to do sth |
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| She had schooled herself in patience. 她磨练了自己的耐性。 |
| I have schooled myself to remain calm under pressure. 我练就一副在压力之下保持镇静的本领。 |
2. | ~ sb 教育;培养to educate a child |
| She should be schooled with her peers. 她应当与她的同龄人一起接受教育。 |
school(s) of thought
学派a way of thinking that a number of people share
| There are two schools of thought about how this illness should be treated. 关于如何治疗这种疾病,有两派不同的意见。 |
n. | 1. 学校;〈美〉(大学的)学部,学院;学系;校舍;讲堂,教室 4. (中世纪大学的)学科;学会;〈集合词〉大学,学界 8. 〈比喻〉经验;锻炼所,修养所;学习[修养]环境 |
v. | 3. 〈罕〉给...上学,把...送进学校;在...学习 |
Palin, 44, earned the nickname "Sarah Barracuda " for her fiery performances on her high school basketball team.
An adult bicycling on his way out of town could have yelled at them from the road, asking why they were not in school.
To me, these are the tools that kids need out of a consumer education class , and materials like this should be taught in every high school.
At my high school, we were able to participate in a fantastic music rental program.
As she stood in front of her 5th grade class on the very first day of school, Mrs. Thompson told the children an untruth.
"I was lost, 'cause I had been out of school for so long. You know, I was young and had a crazy mind, " he says.
He decided to walk to the school, and the next bus had already passed him when he was near the school gate.
A tough kid comes to a new high school and begins muscling his way into the drug scene.
I thought really I attend when the junior middle school you are leading me, that this good!
But analysts said the greatest value of school vending machines was their ability to capture brand loyalty among young consumers.
This thesis is only a case study on the phenomenon of the high flow of teachers in Yunhe middle school, Jining, Shandong province.
In the same school, a male friend, thirtyish and "fit" in the eyes of older girls, for a few weeks found himself in a similar predicament.
It was Saturday noon, just a few days before the start of school.
She said that she had been listening to radio after school.
She had not gone to college; she'd had to borrow money to attend the school where teachers were trained in her day.
Frogspawn appears in familiar clumps - looking like the tapioca that used to be served at school dinners.
The teenager said he went to the school voluntarily but did not expect it to be as difficult.
I tried really hard to get out of this school, and only now do I realise just how much I want to stay.
Luckily , we went into a same school not in the same class . Unckily , he did not accept me .
At least school reports serve a clear purpose: to tell the parent how the child is doing.
The kid-he was eighteen, by the way, and not long out of trade school-broke down and spilled his guts.
In the village there was no school, so there was no way for him to learn to read and write.
He was also dead set against having a woman at the top, being very much of the old school.
As soon as school was over, the children pelted out to play.
Each year in high school I graduated near the top of my class, with straight A's in math.
When he left school, he went into business with his brother.
She soon got the children ready for school.
There will be a chance for parents to look around the school.
Russian forest phytocoenology developed in partial independence of the Finnish school, but was influenced by it.
Hats had to be worn when walking to and from school, blue felt in winter, straw in summer.
She was the odd one out, just as she had been at school and university: a square peg in a round hole.
Vacation days eventually become empty and boring, I began to be anxious for September to roll around and for school to begin.
Dr. Gidley is always on the up and up, with his young wife, his two little boys at the right school and his practice desirably situated.
He said that his friend was a very rough boy and asked if he got whipped often at school.
When he started telling everybody about the time I fell down in the middle of the love scene in the school play, I could have died.
A notice of the general meeting is going round the school teacher, please sign and return it to the main office.
Tests at the age of seven provide a benchmark against which the child's progress at school can be measured.
They were confirmed by little Publius himself who returned from his first term at school complaining that life was a burden to him.
At the age of fifteen she gave up taking piano lessons to concentrate on her school work.
I thought her in a different style from my mother, certainly; but of another school of beauty, I considered her a perfect example.
She could watch herself drifting over the roof of the school, up and up, over the snowy Alps into a sea of fluffy white clouds.
This speech of William Pitt, composed by Johnson in Exeter Street, has long held a place in school books and collections of oratory.
What I should like more than anything else would be to start a school in Oxford for teaching English to foreign students.
While they were living in London, Carol and Mark attended Miss Vacani's famous dancing school in the Brompton Road.
In a way, it was like a school with small classes where students received personal attention they could not have gained elsewhere.
She fought her way back to health so quickly after the accident that she was soon back at school.
The children had to form up into lines before being allowed into school.
The boys would be in school and would scorn to tell her even if they knew.
Mr. Harding was a little flurried when I told him of the bishop's wishes about the school.
My parents were concerned at my apparent lack of enthusiasm for school.
It's so simple, and we thought, you know, okay, it costs between 20 and 50 bucks to provide school feeding for a year.
Check with your school counselor to see what opportunities are available to you.
Readers, would you steer your kids away from an elite school in favor of a state school, even if you could afford the former?
The hotel, a member of Orient Express, has always had a major food focus and its cooking school is one of the best in Italy.
Deidre is at her new destination and by the time you receive this newsletter she will be set up in her new home with the children in school.
For the moment Elena Kagan, the solicitor-general and a former dean of Harvard Law School, appears at the top of this list.
They wanted to know if there was a connection between what they were seeing in clinic and what was happening at the choir school.
Close to the top of the agenda, though, was the matter of school lunches and what could be done to improve them.
Then, I remembered one of my high school teachers who told me students in U of T were also among the best students in their high school.
I told him that whatever positive things I had done since had been influenced at least in part by his morning school prayers.
Of course, the Bellaire High School ninth-grader's first choice would be playing tennis or hanging out with his friends.
At school, she was looking forward to his start with four goals, her phase of the cool, chic and economic strength is quite strong Scott.
We would walk through the forest in back of our school, trying to find the biggest stick we could feasibly wield as a weapon.
Under State Department rules, foreign students can only attend public high school in the United States for a year.
The mini-lessons will give you a glimpse at the kind of things you'll learn in b-school and help you make sure an MBA is right for you.
Five years later, with her two boys, aged eight and five, in school, she missed being in a professional environment and decided to go back.
They used to go so far in that school to design chairs that people collect their old chairs as art pieces, never to be sat upon!
I feel as if I had left school for a whole century.
As representatives of the host school, I expect each and every one of you to put your best foot forward.
New school. New city. A new phase of her life. "It's just like wow, wow, wow! I was just excited that I'm in new surroundings, " she said.
Pennsylvania State University (Penn State), in the East, was chartered by the Pennsylvania Legislature in 1855 as the Farmer's High School.
Don't show your father your school report before he has his dinner, as it's sure to get him mad.
An official in an educational establishment(that sounded better to him than "school" )can't read!
He turned to crime when he dropped out of school.
It was a great convenience to have the school so near.
As soon as the school doors were opened, the children flew out to play.
After leaving school, Mike went into the army .
His parents are strongly against his dropping out of school.
These school buildings have a strong, simple architectural appeal and will be a pleasure to look at for many years.
She was captain of the hockey team at school.