美 [tɜrn]
英 [tɜː(r)n] 
- v.转;转向;变;改变
- n.转身;转向;〈美〉拥挤在场外的群众;旋转(运动)
- 网络转动;翻转;转过去
第三人称单数:turns 现在分词:turning 过去式:turned 同义词
v. | 2. 转向,朝向,指向;〈比喻〉集中(注意,努力等);用于,抵充(用途),利用;改变路线 3. 翻转过来做(衣服等);翻(书页);折(边等);弄卷(刀口);挖翻(土地);倒转,翻倒,倒置,颠倒;【印】倒植 4. 使变化,改变;使变成(...的状态);(货币的)兑换;翻译;使变质,使变坏;使(脑子)错乱;使恶心 8. 用镟床镟;〈比喻〉做得好看(美观,圆满),弄得像样;表现得好 9. 变;改变;(形势)倒转;变成...,变质;转(业);(头)晕;发恶心,想呕 11. 转向;回头;转弯;弯曲;(刀刃)卷口;倾斜;注意 16. (把脸)转(过去);避开;驱逐,轰出;防止(灾祸等);解雇 20. 向里(弯曲);转身进去;(把杂草,肥料等)翻入地内;〈美〉带进,拿进;走近 22. 解雇,逐出;叉开,引开(不愉快的话题等);完成,制成,生产;关掉(自来水,收音机,电灯等);使失掉兴趣;〈俚〉处绞刑;〈俚〉举行婚礼 24. 向外弯曲,向外;罢工;【电】切断;〈口〉起床;(消防队,军队等)出动;结果变成;结果弄清楚是...,原来是... 25. 驱逐,逐出,撵出 (turn somebody out of the room);欢送(毕业生);(把牛,羊等)放出牧场;倒出,翻出(容器,房间里的东西);翻转,翻过来;暴露;制出,造出;培养;打扮;关断(煤气等),熄(灯等) 27. 使翻倒,倾覆;交付,移交;翻(书页);耕翻(土地);使生活一新;处理;做(多少钱的)买卖,卖得...;〈比喻〉熟思,再三考虑 28. 旋转;回头;调向,转向;变计;叛变;反对,反抗;【航】停靠(某港) 30. 向上;朝天;出来,来到;出现,出席;被找到,突然发生;证明是 31. 扭大(灯火等);向上弯曲;朝向上面;翻开(牌);掘起;找出;〈口〉使作呕 |
n. | 2. 旋转(运动);转身;(杠上运动的)小翻滚;(溜冰的)曲线转折;改变方向,调转方向;转向,转弯;【军】迂回 14. 【机】车床;(转动把手而开关的)门扣;【乐】回音;【印】(无本字时暂用的)倒头铅字 |
Him a white lie, which made him white with fury, but when he realized his project is a white elephant, his face turned as white as a sheet.
Now I mean the value stuff, I chose a particular story where in a long run, it turned out, you know, kind of a good way.
It was now too late to destroy the convoy, which had turned back and scattered in all directions among numerous islands.
We were just about to come to an agreement when John came in like a bull in a china shop. His rough remarks turned everything upside down.
Perhaps it was the shock of her death that turned Liang's thoughts back to his long abandoned project.
Tony: I really like the movie "Inception, " but I do not want it to be turned into a video game.
Look what Jenny did last night. It turned out she was the queen of the party. It was supposed to be Marry.
So he turned to Margaret and said, "Ms. Green likes you, Margaret. Please go and ask her to lend me a mirror. "
Fortunately, it turned out to be a false alarm because a careless customer mistakenly set the fire alarm off.
For a moment Dr Manette turned his head away, and his eyes were full of fear, and pain. Then he looked back at Darnay, and tried to smile.
That turned out to be premature, as there remains a strong chance that Fiat may walk away from the talks.
Talking to my mum not even for a minute, heard people screaming! Instinctively turned back and looked up. Oh. . . he jumped.
Democrats said the law proposed by the House would have turned a recession into a depression.
The cameras turned up to check out the situation, and for a day's filming as a trial run.
She turned to me with a small handful of dried flowers in her little hands.
David got lost in the village. When he found a pedestrian with a lot of effort, the person turned out not to speak Mandarin at all.
The absent-minded professor looked everywhere for his glasses, but it turned out that they were just on top of his head.
I never thought that alcohol could ease the notion of the sadness Now what used to be a happy home done turned into some bad shit!
The old man turned out his son, saying that he would not have him in the home any longer.
I remembered that when I had the cotton removed from a wicker sofa so that it could be re-fluffed, it had turned out to be completely dark.
Alienation becomes a process in which humanity is progressively turned into a stranger in a world created by labor.
And unwittingly they turned the next administration over to their business that once again were in control of the Republican Party.
She turned round, and dashed off the tears with a corner of her handkerchief.
Winston turned his head a little aside to avoid the scrutiny of the large dark eyes.
The gap widened as she turned to go, and no one advanced to fill it up.
She urged him to go away, she commanded him to go away; but she neither turned her face to him, nor raised it.
On all fours, he scrambled to the next ledge and then turned and looked back; the man was still standing there.
He turned his eyes round, and observed the intent faces of the accumulating throng, whispering as they gazed.
The developments that followed turned the city into a metropolis and gave it the stamp of international importance.
It was another insolence by that country, whose transgressions had, in fact, turned the agreement into a farce.
He turned with a sigh to the book which had been the innocent cause of all this disturbance.
I walked on and pretended not to see, till the combat grew too exciting, when I turned round and cheered him on to victory.
Just as she turned to ship away among the trees, a figure stepped out from the woods.
She said nothing, but merely sniffed and turned over the pages of her newspaper.
Then he turned and extended his arms to his comrades. The gesture contained something of a benediction.
Eugenie turned her head aside, for her high sense of honour reproached her.
She turned back to the table, her left hand to her mouth, her eyes in a queer, hazy, melancholy mist.
He mumbled something which I really did not catch, and I turned my ear to him in a puzzled manner.
He had got up from his seat, had turned once more about the little drawing-room.
He felt that she knew every feeling and thought he had at that moment and he turned his head away in confusion.
The wind hit him as he turned the corner .
On seeing this, I thought he began to look a little queer, so I turned it off as well as I could.
She turned her eyes away from the window through which she had been looking and began to attend to the fish.
Jon turned-curled into a sort of ball, as a hedgehog-into the corner made by the two walls.
He turned out the light, picked up his cases, and went down the stairs and out of the door into the night.
It was now too late to destroy the convoy, which had turned back and scattered in all directions among numerous islands.
The thin-lipped critic was brimming over with benevolence which had an unpleasant after-taste, as of milk turned.
He disposed of its contents with much circumspection, holding it for a long time close to his chin, with his face turned to the house.
Along these ditches I turned up some pieces of pottery, all of it broken, and arrowheads, and a very neat, well-finished stone pick-ax.
Bloggs turned to Lucy again. He felt a tremendous surge of affection for her.
It is the creativity and the dedication of the workers and executives that turned the company into a profitable business.
They dug until they had turned up the soil from one end of the orchard to the other, round the tree-roots and between them.
The Czechs faced Canada in the semifinals and it turned out to be one of the greatest games in Olympic history.
In the spring, the new calves would be branded and turned out with the rest of the cattle to grow fat on the summer grass in the mountains.
And immediately Jesus, realizing in Himself that power had gone out of Him , turned around in the crowd and said, Who touched My garments ?
"Alex, " said Lisa with a little worry in her voice as she turned in the man's direction.
When our second child was born, Jim and I thought she was perfect, but the doctor pointed out that her feet were turned inward.
But I put the paper aside and turned to the next one. It had some pencil scribblings an at the top of the page was written, My dad.
I started out with mixed feelings of fear and excitement, but settling down turned out to be far more challenging than I had expected.
Having turned his personal pain to such a creative purpose, he gets us to break bread with him and take communion with his grief and loss.
But she turned out to be chatty and confident and laughed as she told me her story.
In a very short time, will not Lebanon be turned into a fertile field and the fertile field seem like a forest?
she turned her eyes , as she rested against the cow , full of sly inquiry upon him.
I had thought that I could wish her a happy life, but my wish turned out to be so reluctant.
Years of boom, buoyed by cheap foreign-currency loans and a currency pegged to the euro, have turned to a spectacular bust.
and turned to his work with the air of a man who had been confronted with a problem too abstruse for solution.
It would be such a tragedy if TB, by some malevolence of fate, turned into the greatest President of Europe we never had.
They stared at him. He turned red, but when the salt came, he put it in his coffee and drank.
As we turned the comer we came upon a group of men who were waiting for the museum to open.
And after he gave her money , he would be woke up and turned round to kick the berger a few times.
He turned a dreadful smile to me, and as if with the decision of despair, plucked away the sheet.
She turned from her contemplation of the photograph.
As the result was announced, Hitler turned to the benches of the Socialists and cried, "And now I have no further need of you. "
He turned and curled the ball around the goalkeeper.
She turned on him like a tiger, and there was a battle.
I turned the child about and bade it go back again, for that was not its way home.
As the party turned into the Stilbro's road they met what little wind there was; the rain dashed in their faces.
I have realized that the friendship and affection that I have always had for her had turned to love.
When I had gone downstairs, I turned back that I might be a little more company to him yet.
They turned the place inside out but did not find the thief.